WDD’s Oil Sands Trade Show Experience 2015
Williams Direct Dryers recently exhibited at the Oil Sands Show in Fort McMurray. Over the years, in Fort Mac and its vicinity, Williams Direct Dryers have gained a terrific following and fantastic support. Mostly in the boot drying side but other models, such as our respirator dryers, are proving to be vital components in helping maintain workplace safety and comfort. Just in case you were not aware, Fort McMurray is home to the Alberta Oil Sands. Out of this area over 2 million barrels of oil per day are sent to market. In 2012, approximately 121,500 people were employed in Alberta’s upstream energy sector, which includes oil sands, conventional oil and gas, and mining. Alberta’s Oil Sands: Economic Benefits (http://oilsands.alberta.ca/economicinvestment.html)
The weather was great; sunny and cool in the mornings but near T-shirt weather by the afternoon. Most of the buildings seemed new with constant construction visible everywhere. The show this year was considerably smaller than last year when I attended. The low oil price has prompted most to evaluate the expense side of their business it seems.
While at the Oil Sands Trade show, it was really nice to speak with some of our customers and soon to be customers. Comments of, “We have them, they’re great!” or “You know I love your tagline of “providing solutions you didn’t think existed.” It’s really true!” were terrific to hear. A fellow exhibitor commented that he had to come over and see what we were up to as people stopping by his booth kept talking about the dryers as terrific examples of innovation and out of the box design. I wish we could have taken up the entire Williams Direct Dryers staff. Affirmations like these would have shown everyone in Williams Direct Dryers that, in their work, they are making positive differences in people’s lives.
For our display models, we shipped up a brand new Williams Direct Dryers model P24E, a residential W4/4 and an in-locker dryer. The P24E, a 24 pair, portable boot dryer with extended boot arms, stayed in the Fort Mac area; purchased by CNRL. As for the W4/4, 4 pair boot and 4 pair glove dryer, it will start its new life in a transportable, remote location, drying room. While at the show we concentrated on the industrial applications but Jeanine of Williams commented that she wished she had a dollar for every person that said they sure needed one for their home.
As an aside, at the end of the show, our customer sent a transport company, Mcmurray Serv U, to pick up the P24E and deliver it to their operation. Robert was the driver. Great guy to work with and after speaking with his dispatch and listening to my concerns, changed vehicles and brought a 5 ton panel truck with tailgate to pick up the assembled dryer. Robert was a very humble young guy that took direction really well on how best to secure for truck transport a fully assembled portable Williams Direct Dryer. Thanks Robert, I knew it was in good hands after that!
One of the best meetings while at the show was with an ex Kiewit employee; Wade DeSmoker. Wade was instrumental in bringing Williams Direct Dryers into the mining sector of Kiewit’s major projects across Canada. DeSmoker works now for Heavy North; a key player in the Alberta heavy construction sector. He commented about Williams Direct Dryers efficacy and phenomenal build quality that resulted in ultra tough, ultra long life machines; necessary in the remote locations they serve.
Thanks Fort McMurray and the Oil Sands Show for your terrific hospitality!
Written by: Des Mayne